No Time Like The Present

No Time Like The Present

June 26, 2024 – LOUISVILLE, KY

Today is the day I have decided to sit down and write what’s going on in my community in real time, so this is officially the “first” blog post on my newest campaign website, even if it isn’t the first one that you come across when you visit. You see, I want to keep working forwards and backwards to complete the picture for the public, but because that is such a daunting task, I have to start somewhere and today I’m finally, hopefully, getting to a point where I can make this a priority.

I have had plenty of “plans” to write a book, develop a screenplay for a potential docudrama, run for office (which I’m doing once again), etc. but because much of the content I’ve curated is digital and dynamic, a book or a Netflix series leaves too few dimensions and too much room for skeptics to dismiss these incredible allegations out of hand. The rich library of exclusive content I’ve collected deserves not only to be accessible to the entire world and for history books to reference, but also to be indexed, cross referenced, and made interactive, open sourced, while also behind a protective layer in some cases, to protect victims and whistleblowers, when necessary. These are my personal goals before I depart this Earth. Sometimes it’s a slog. And sometimes it hums. Lately it’s been humming.

This blog will primarily focus on proving the following thesis to a wide enough audience to make a difference in voter turnout before the November election. The statement is subject to fine-tuning as we progress in this undertaking, but here’s my first stab at it:

“JCPS leadership is actively turning a blind eye to sexual abuse of students at the hands of JCPS employees, while dark-money-backed politicians, victims and witnesses are complicit, being blackmailed, threatened or paid off. A disproportionate number of these incidents appear to revolve around the alma mater of our most infamous US Senator from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell and could be tied to the crimes that led to the snuffing out of Jeffrey Epstein.”

Before you label me a conspiracy theorist or blow off these allegations because they sound absurd or “too much like Trump,” ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you really looked at the evidence?
  • Why won’t the media report on it?
  • Why won’t JCPS investigate?
  • Have you listened to the victims?
  • If any of this is a lie, why haven’t I been sued?
  • What if I’m right? Don’t these kids deserve our help?


I worked on my application for the Task Force. I’m providing way more information than they asked. I doubt I’ll get selected anyway, so why not take a dump in their pool? They sure as shit aren’t going to hear what I have to say if I keep minding my manners (something I quit doing about 10 years ago, so you already know who you’re dealing with, so don’t act so surprised). Perhaps something I write in the letter of intent piques someone’s interest and I at least get invited to make a presentation to the committee. I really just need one or two people to stop and listen. How hard can that be? I already have a list of high profile people started. There’s more people paying attention than you think. They just don’t want to be destroyed or “thrown off the yacht” as Nick Bryant described it. I still need to get back to the county attorney prosecutor, but I’m thinking this website is the place I want to use to gather my evidence, so that’s what prompted me to dust off the new duds and see how they fit. The site will have themes, bells and whistles added over time, but in the mean time, if you stumble across it, you can get a head start.


Julian Assange was able to return to his life in Australia as a free man. This marked a historical highpoint in the main story that I’ve been trying to bring to light. The magnitude of the lies and coverups that were exposed by these brave individuals, who willingly risked their freedoms in order to bring government secrets to light, cannot be ignored. Nor can it not serve as a warning that what happened to him could happen to any one of us who dare do the same. Today gave whistleblowers across the country a moment to breathe a sigh of relief and consider the possibility that a corner may have been turned, even if just a tiny one. Still, even in the wake of Assange’s pardon and release for time served, media pundits are still only focused on his crimes and not the government lies that were exposed because of their actions.

Why is no one in the media talking about the fact that if the government had not lied, these heroes would have had nothing that explosive to expose. No, of course they should not have stolen government secrets, nor should they have published information that put lives at risk. No one is saying they should have. But as a whistleblower myself, having tried every legal and non-violent means I can think of to draw attention to these criminal acts, I understand where they were coming from.

This all took place under the Trump administration, by the way. So, this is not someone the “liberal media” is known to protect. Why the tight lips? Is there someone else involved? A high profile democrat or wealthy donor? Kentucky’s most-despised US Senator, perhaps? Makes you wonder.

This news, while long overdue and somewhat preceded by hope, put a new spring in my step and inspired me to start writing again. I can’t spend all of my time wondering who I might hurt or offend by telling the truth in order to stop the madness, who might never speak to me again, who might spit every time they hear my name, or who might want me dead. I could die tomorrow and still not have my ducks in a row. So I can’t worry about it.

And it all relates back to crimes so bad they would destroy both political parties if they became widely known, crimes that could explain why Jeffrey Epstein was likely murdered in his jail cell before the names of the Johns raping middle school and high school students from West Palm Beach for decades. I don’t think we’ve grasped the reality of this. And as long as they can keep it a secret just a little bit longer, they can lock down this election once and for all and never have to hold another democratic election, ever. And lock us down while they’re at it.

As we learned in our research, both sides are in on keeping the secrets because people in both parties are compromised. Whether they are being blackmailed, bullied, threatened or paid off, we haven’t been able to determine because there is no insight available. But that’s another story for another day. Thanks for reading my first post and stay tuned for more. Or go back to the beginning with me and understand and access evidence demonstrating how things really played out, not the rumors that you were led to believe. These historical artifacts going back to 2014 will show you exactly who said or did or didn’t do what, and who has been playing this community for decades.

We will make it possible for you to sort information in chronological order or search by name of key players or categories. Since I am one person, this customization will take time and/or money, which I must earn, so please consider making a donation or volunteering to step forward to help.